Book reviews
Cats in the Belfry   

Cats in the Belfry

Doreen Tovey

Paperback. Summersdale Publisher 2005-07-27.
ISBN 9781840244526
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It wasn't, we discovered as the months went by, that Sugieh was particularly wicked. It was just that she was a Siamese." Animal lovers Doreen Tovey and her husband Charles acquire their first Siamese kitten to rid themselves of an invasion of mice, although they worry about the cat attacking the birds. But Sugieh is not just any cat. She's an iron hand in a delicate, blue-pointed glove; an actress, a prima donna, an empress of cats, and she quickly establishes herself as queen of the house. Finding themselves thus enslaved, Doreen and Charles try to minimise the chaos she causes daily: screaming like a banshee, chewing up telegrams, and tearing holes in anything made of wool. But there is worse to come, as soon Sugieh decides she is ready to become the Perfect Mother. She and her adorable kittens devote themselves to tightening their grip on the Tovey household

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Cats in the Belfry
Cats in the Belfry

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