Book reviews
Genre, practice, and the composition classroom: What students learn about language and community discourse practices through a pedagogy of genre awareness   

Genre, practice, and the composition classroom: What students learn about language and community discourse practices through a pedagogy of genre awareness

Meghan E Bacino

Paperback. ProQuest, UMI Dissertation Publishing 2011-09-04.
ISBN 9781243599292
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Publisher description

My dissertation study will answer the call for more situated, pedagogical research within Rhetorical Genre Studies. By writing and studying the conventions and functions of academic genres, everyday genres, and disciplinary genres, two semesters of basic writing students at MSU developed a genre metalanguage that allowed them to study the social workings of language and conduct ethnographic research into disciplinary and field-specific genres. By asking these students to reflect on both their process of developing a genre metalanguage as well as their experience researching and writing about disciplinary discourse practices, my research will provide an in-depth, negotiated account of what it means to impart genre pedagogy. I used student interviews, classroom work, my own journal entries and lesson plans, and analysis of students' final projects to answer both theoretical and practical questions relating to recent pedagogical conversations within RGS

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Genre, practice, and the composition classroom: What students learn about language and community discourse practices through a pedagogy of genre awareness

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Book reviews » Genre, practice, and the composition classroom: What students learn about language and community discourse practices through a pedagogy of genre awareness
Genre, practice, and the composition classroom: What students learn about language and community discourse practices through a pedagogy of genre awareness
Genre, practice, and the composition classroom: What students learn about language and community discourse practices through a pedagogy of genre awareness

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