Book reviews
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessne   

The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessne

Pema Chodron

Paperback. Element Book 2004-08-02.
ISBN 9780007183500
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One of the most inspiring spiritual teachers of our time offers simple, practical advice for living with less fear, less anxiety and a more open heart. Bought in a hotly contested auction, The Places That Scare You is now available in massmarket, taking Pema Chodron 's spiritual teachings to a wider audience. We always have a choice, Pema Chodron teaches: we can either let the circumstances of our lives harden us and make us increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us and make us kind. This unique book shows us how to awaken our basic goodness and connect to others. In her lively, contemporary voice, Chodron translates the wisdom of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for the layperson. Her wisdom cuts across all traditions and religions -- appealing to everyone from the Dalai Lama's followers to ordinary people trying to make sense of their lives. This title has gone straight onto the bestseller lists in the USA, where it has just been published. Recently profiled in Oprah's O magazine, Pema Chodron is a spiritual teacher for anyone -- whether they have a spiritual path or not. Her heartfelt advice and wisdom (developed in her 20 years of practice as a Tibetan Buddhist nun as well as her years previously as a normal 'housewife and mother') give her a wide appeal. Particularly in these difficult times, this advice strikes just the right note, offering us comfort and challenging us to live deeply and contribute to creating a more loving world

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The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessne
The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessne

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