Book reviews
Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts: Fuzzy Felted Friend   

Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts: Fuzzy Felted Friend

Saori Yamazaki

Paperback. Chronicle Book 2008-04-02.
ISBN 9780811860666
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Publisher description

Say hello to your new best pals. These felted friends hail from Japan homeland of all things cute. Inside this book, you'll find over 25 translated patterns that combine the appeal of authentic Japanese content with the ease of English instruction. Cheerful photographs, step-by-step directions, and helpful how-to illustrations make it easy to whip up both water- and needle-felted projects. There's no knitting involved; simply treat raw wool fibers with either a felting needle or water and detergent to create these little creatures. Cute and cuddly, they're also useful! An elephant cozy warms a teakettle; a whimsical bird mobile adorns a nursery; wee mouse pincushions hold your needles; while piglets, giraffes, zebras, or sheep carry all your gear in handy totes and pouches. Practice with these projects and then adapt the techniques to design your own personal stable of felted friends

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Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts: Fuzzy Felted Friend
Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts: Fuzzy Felted Friend

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