Book reviews
H.P. Lovecraft Omnibus Volume 3: "The Hunter in the Dark" (No. 3)   

H.P. Lovecraft Omnibus Volume 3: "The Hunter in the Dark" (No. 3)

H.P. Lovecraft

Paperback. Voyager 1985-06-20.
ISBN 9780586063231
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'Warning! You are about to enter a new dimension of utmost terror. When you open this book you will lost - lost in a world of dreadful nightmare brought to screaming life by the century's greatest master of adult fantasy and horror' - H.P. Lovecraft. Here is a collection of the most famous stories of this master of tomb-dark fear: "The Rats In The Walls", "The Call Of Cthulhu", "The Haunter Of The Dark", "Pickman's Model", "The Lurking Fear" plus other tales designed to haunt your dreams and bring you to sweat-soaked wakefulness in the darkest reaches of the night! "Terror in the fourth dimension! A master of cosmic horror" - "Punch"

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Book reviews » H.P. Lovecraft Omnibus Volume 3: "The Hunter in the Dark" (No. 3)
H.P. Lovecraft Omnibus Volume 3: "The Hunter in the Dark" (No. 3)
H.P. Lovecraft Omnibus Volume 3: "The Hunter in the Dark" (No. 3)

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